Monday, April 26, 2010

End of a long week

I am a little over a week post-op now. What a week it was. I knew going into this that changing your life was certainly not going to be easy. I would tell you that the reality of that was made evident this week. Now I am not complaining. I did have a good week overall and met several great milestones, more on that soon. What I am saying is that this is very hard, and I do mean very hard to change decades of bad habits. Food for me was a continuous series of bad choices. Tasty yes, but certainly not healthy.

So now I have this new "tool" I got with gastric bypass. It provides me with a huge advantage to change my eating habits and move to a much healthier lifestyle. The problem is that habits are not so easily broken. While I have not been physically hungry since my surgery despite being on only liquids until I heal, I have been battling "head hunger". That is when I think I am hungry, or have a food craving. Like when I see food on television, sit down and the kitchen table for dinner, walk thru the mall and smell the Pizza shop. I think "Wow I could really go for that" and quite literally feel hungry. The good news is that my "tool" is keeping me on track. I force myself to think; I am really hungry and if so could I really have any of those foods. Of course the answer both questions is no. But that pause, does help me reset my thinking and realize that my habit of how I ate before is not yet broken. Thank goodness for my tool. I know it is going to take some time for my head to catch up with my body, but until then, my tool is doing its job.

The good news from this week is that I am feeling much better overall. The good days are out weighing the bad days (no pun intended). I am now getting to the Gym every other day. I am taking it easy, as I am still sore. I am reaching my protein intake goal nearly every day, although I am really sick of protein shakes. I have lost 16 pounds since my surgery and 38 pounds since January. That is very encouraging and is my main motivation right now. So I guess it was, all things considered, a difficult but very good week.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Home from the Hopsital

I am home from the hospital now and really just starting to feel better and up to blogging. So here is what happened over last several days in which may have started the biggest change in my life outside of my wedding day and the birth of my daughter.

I got to the hospital (Lancaster General) around 8:30 AM after a night with very little sleep.  I really tried to stay "numb" as I did not want to get myself worked-up.  Plus I had to be the big macho man for my wife's benefit if not my own.  While I was not as nervous as I thought I would be,  I just wanted to get through the surgery and be in hospital my room.  The Versed also helped in taking the edge off. The last thing I remember is being taken to the OR and seeing Dr. Brader and the anesthesiologist.

Ironically my biggest fear was waking up in recovery with the breathing tube in place; which apparently is what happened. I was told later by Dr Brader and my wife, I "freaked out" and tried to remove the tube on my own.  Luckily there were about 5 guys there to prevent me from doing that. The good news is that I have no memory of that, for which I am very thankful.  I had a normal surgery other that a power failure in the OR, and a stuck NG tube, which added some extra time to the procedure.  My surgeon, to say the least, was not happy that his instruments were not on a battery back-up and he had to wait twenty minutes for them to come back online.  Dr. Brader assured me that I was never in any danger and I am sure he will correct that issue with the hospital. 

I was back in my room by late afternoon.  I was in a lot a pain and I was extremely nauseous.  The whole night really seems like a blur, as I lived in 10 minute increments waiting for my PCA pump to allow another dose of morphine.  I must be honest and say it was a very long night and I really didn't sleep. I questioned why the hell I did this to myself. So I just kept thinking tomorrow would be better and I just need to get through this. In the middle of the night my morphine pump broke and it took them a couple of hours to get it replaced.  If I was not so miserable, I think I would have been very upset. 

So after a very long night it was now time for by swallow test.  Keep in mind that I have not had anything to drink since Tuesday at midnight and I was a dry as the desert, still in a lot of pain and VERY nauseous. My swallow test consisted of drinking some very nasty tasting fluid and watching it on an X-Ray work it's way through my new pouch.  Actually this was not a bad I imagined it being and the test showed no leaks in any of the new connections.  I was "good" shape.  I was also assured I made the right choice in surgeons as Dr Brader actually performs his own test.  I would imagine that many others delegate this duty to the Rad/Tech staff.  It was certainly nice to see him there.  

Once the test was finished it was back to my room and I could now get some liquids.  Water never tasted so good.  I was shocked that I could be happy and thankful for drinking an 1/8th of an ounce at a time.  I was also given some oral pain medication which worked much better for me than the morphine did.  Sadly the rest of Thursday and most Thursday night were very difficult for me.  I was have a lot of gas pain from the surgery and was very nauseous still.  I was told prior to surgery that walking was the only way to get rid of the gas and relieve the pain.  So I did many laps around the unit all day and most of the night.  I remember around 1 AM Friday morning deciding to walk until the pain went away.  I prayed as I walked that I had enough and needed some relief.  I must have walked around the hallways for 40 minutes with out stop.  Thankfully, my prayers were answered and the gas began to dissipate relieving the pain.  

By the morning I was feeling better.  Better than I thought I was ever going to feel again.  It had been a long couple of days. I really wondered during that time if I had done the right thing and questioned if I would always feel this way   But after a shower, which felt great, and positive lab results I was ready to go home.   I slept most of the day on Friday, which also helped me feel much better.

It was nice to have so many of my friends stop by or call with their well wishes and support. It would have been impossible to get through with out this.  My wife really looked out for me, so I never really worried about what was happening and I was able to focus on the moment and quite frankly get through what I needed to get through.  The hospital staff was excellent and they really understood and help me manage through my stay.  This was definitely the hardest thing I have ever done.  But now that I am home I am try to get into my new routine and adjust to two weeks of liquids.  Hope I get through this a little easier than my last couple of days.  I am very anxious to see how much I am able to lose in the next couple of weeks, keeping my fingers crossed.


Thursday, April 8, 2010

Last Weekend Before Surgery

With the weekend quickly approaching I am finding myself thinking about my surgery quite a lot.  I only have 4 days of "normal" food until I am on liquids for 2 weeks, then soft foods (baby-food) for two weeks. But even in saying that I think that is fine, I am just that much closer to my goal.

I have completed all my pre-op blood work, chest x-rays, and tomorrow I will have my EKG.  My labs look better since I started my diet.  Not perfect, but certainly better.  I have met with Dr. Brader and his nurse so I am certainly now in countdown mode.  Even added an app on my I-Phone telling me the hours, minutes and seconds until my procedure. 5 day and 14 hours left.   I have not been as nervous as I thought I may be, but more excited to really start losing.  This weekend I will be stocking up on all the items I will need post -op after I get back from Atlantic City with some of my friends.  Kind of a last chance get a way before my surgery and recovery.  It should be a blast. 

I have been working out very hard the past several days as I am thinking it will be a couple of weeks until I am back at the gym and I only have a couple of days left.  My trainer has really been working me hard, but he is great and really motivates me.  In fact, his new nickname is Jillian. So I am now off to gym, later