Monday, April 26, 2010

End of a long week

I am a little over a week post-op now. What a week it was. I knew going into this that changing your life was certainly not going to be easy. I would tell you that the reality of that was made evident this week. Now I am not complaining. I did have a good week overall and met several great milestones, more on that soon. What I am saying is that this is very hard, and I do mean very hard to change decades of bad habits. Food for me was a continuous series of bad choices. Tasty yes, but certainly not healthy.

So now I have this new "tool" I got with gastric bypass. It provides me with a huge advantage to change my eating habits and move to a much healthier lifestyle. The problem is that habits are not so easily broken. While I have not been physically hungry since my surgery despite being on only liquids until I heal, I have been battling "head hunger". That is when I think I am hungry, or have a food craving. Like when I see food on television, sit down and the kitchen table for dinner, walk thru the mall and smell the Pizza shop. I think "Wow I could really go for that" and quite literally feel hungry. The good news is that my "tool" is keeping me on track. I force myself to think; I am really hungry and if so could I really have any of those foods. Of course the answer both questions is no. But that pause, does help me reset my thinking and realize that my habit of how I ate before is not yet broken. Thank goodness for my tool. I know it is going to take some time for my head to catch up with my body, but until then, my tool is doing its job.

The good news from this week is that I am feeling much better overall. The good days are out weighing the bad days (no pun intended). I am now getting to the Gym every other day. I am taking it easy, as I am still sore. I am reaching my protein intake goal nearly every day, although I am really sick of protein shakes. I have lost 16 pounds since my surgery and 38 pounds since January. That is very encouraging and is my main motivation right now. So I guess it was, all things considered, a difficult but very good week.

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