Thursday, April 8, 2010

Last Weekend Before Surgery

With the weekend quickly approaching I am finding myself thinking about my surgery quite a lot.  I only have 4 days of "normal" food until I am on liquids for 2 weeks, then soft foods (baby-food) for two weeks. But even in saying that I think that is fine, I am just that much closer to my goal.

I have completed all my pre-op blood work, chest x-rays, and tomorrow I will have my EKG.  My labs look better since I started my diet.  Not perfect, but certainly better.  I have met with Dr. Brader and his nurse so I am certainly now in countdown mode.  Even added an app on my I-Phone telling me the hours, minutes and seconds until my procedure. 5 day and 14 hours left.   I have not been as nervous as I thought I may be, but more excited to really start losing.  This weekend I will be stocking up on all the items I will need post -op after I get back from Atlantic City with some of my friends.  Kind of a last chance get a way before my surgery and recovery.  It should be a blast. 

I have been working out very hard the past several days as I am thinking it will be a couple of weeks until I am back at the gym and I only have a couple of days left.  My trainer has really been working me hard, but he is great and really motivates me.  In fact, his new nickname is Jillian. So I am now off to gym, later


  1. I am very proud of you for taking this big step. Of course being your Mom makes it easy. Dad and I love you and will be praying for all to go well on your surgery

  2. So proud of you. I know you will do fine- as your private duty nurse I just want to be clear- NO WHINING ALLOWED!!!!
