Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Last Hurdle

I cleared the last remaining hurdle today. Both insurance companies have signed off and approved my surgery. Thank goodness. So I am now really in the home stretch. I have a couple of more appointments with Dr. Brader and his team this week. Theses are the final steps before my surgery in 14 days. Tomorrow I have my last nutrition class where I get my post op diet.  Thursday I meet with Dr. Brader and get my pre-op blood work. Work has approved my LOA so I am about as ready as I can get.

I am doing well with my diet and exercise this week, down a couple of more pounds even with my bucket list. Oh, I didn't mention my bucket list? Well, it is somewhat silly. Since I will be on a  VERY restrictive diet, and some food will be off my menu for a long time if not permanently, I have a bucket list of last dinners and activities I want to have and do. 

Now I know that all you armchair psychologist out there are thinking that this is not the proper mindset and if I were more serious about this process, I would simply stick with the plan. To that I would say you are probably right. But it is more about celebrating with my friends; like having a farewell party before you leave on a journey. My journey is weight loss surgery and health life style change. Plus my "bucket list" is fairly tame.

• Breakfast at my favorite diner - Alice's - Tom's Atomic Bomb
• Dinner - Sushi at Wasabi Thanks Ed and Leah
• Weekend in Atlantic City with the Guy
• Pub Crawl with my friends

The nervousness I had been feeling has been replaced with a feeling of excitement and anticipation to start seeing BIG (ahem) smaller results and start a whole new chapter of eating healthy and activities I have been missing out on - Can't wait !

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