Monday, March 22, 2010

Meeting with Dr. Brader's team

Today was my final one on one meeting with Lindsay and Kevin. Lindsay put me through a rigorous series of physical fitness tests. Well not exactly rigorous. I needed to walk a flight of stairs, get out of bed, pick up a box, and walk for 6 minutes. It was not difficult, but I certainly understand why they do this. It made me feel a little better knowing that I have the exercise part down. Needless to say I cleared this hurdle.

Next I met with Kevin. This is definitely the hard part. The diet. The good news is that I am doing better controlling my portions, and limiting my snacks. But the really hard part will be no liquids with meals. It is because you can get more food into your "pouch" if you drink while you eat and that will decrease your weight loss. So I have committed to begin that tomorrow. Stay tuned.

So with that I have met all my pre-surgical requirements:
  • 6 Month Medically Supervised Diet with a 10 pound weight loss
  • Attend a support group meeting
  • Attend numerous group and individual fitness and nutrition meetings
  • Begin an exercise program
  • Pass a physiological evaluation (how I don't know)
  • Blood work
  • Lastly today's physical evaluation.

Dr. Brader and his team will review my case on Friday. I should find out then when my surgery will occur. I am really hoping it is some time in April. Keeping my finger crossed that everything comes together.

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