Friday, March 26, 2010

The Verdict

The verdict is in and I am now scheduled to have my surgery on April 14th.  So the count down has begun.  19 days and counting.  Really only 19 days?  After thinking about this for 12 months and working toward it since September, that seems so soon.  My wife asked me if I was excited and for many reasons I am very excited.  But mostly I just want to get through this part.  I have to be honest in that I am REALLY NOT looking forward to the surgery part.  The first couple of days post-op are going to be tough I am sure.  Followed by several weeks of liquids and pureed foods.  What I need to focus on is the change that the surgery will help me accomplish.  A healthier and more active lifestyle.  After all, who would want to have surgery except if you need to.  I have a good surgeon and will be in good hands, so I should take a deep breath and relax.  This is going to be a very good thing for me.

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